MU 012x50
Project title: „Implementation of the results of B+R works”
Project implementation period: September 1, 2019 - March 31, 2021
Project description: The subject of the project concerns the implementation of an innovative technology for the production of hybrid inserts for linear drains and the production of these drains using the technology of applying a layer of silver nanoparticles to obtain bactericidal and fungicidal properties.
Project goal: The main goal of the project is to increase the competitive position and increase the level of innovation of Vogi Bartłomiej Bąk, through the implementation of a globally innovative technology for the production of hybrid inserts for linear drains using the technology of applying a layer of silver nanoparticles in order to obtain bactericidal and fungicidal properties, which is a direct result B&R works of the company in the form of a patent application.
Planned effects:
Increase in the company's prestige,
Increasing the possibility of creating innovation at Vogi,
Increasing export activity,
Acquiring new customers,
Creation of new jobs (3 new hires).
Project value: 7 256 000,00
Contribution of European Funds: 5 079 200,00
Project „Implementation of the results of B+R works” (co-financing agreement No. POIR. POIR.03.02.02-00-1743/19-00), is implemented under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014 – 2020, under Sub-measure 3.2.2 Credit on technological innovation.